Guidelines for Padel Business

Getting started in the Padel Business in Asia

I already left my opinion in my last publication UNDERTAKING IN INDIA, ESSENTIAL KEYS OF SOCIAL COMMITMENT AND ENTERPRISE (2019, Seurat Ediciones), in which in one of the chapters I explained the complication of starting, in a country with deeply rooted sports customs, a sport like padel tennis.


And it is that when any lover of paddle tennis wants to start a business related to this sport, it is essential to have a cool head, that is: not because one is passionate about the sport, it makes hundreds of millions of people willing to practice it from minute 0.

This challenge requires 4 main guidelines to follow, which I will try to summarize:

1- Choose well the partners with whom the adventure is going to start.

If we have people who are fond of sports, who have experienced their growth in their own flesh, it always helps in expansion, but if the partner can add value in experience in architecture or construction always helps, it is also important that a partner has local roots where the sport is going to develop.

2- Detect an ideal location

The enclave where to start the club becomes an obsession at the beginning, but it has to be chosen taking into account the transformation of the environment, and of the amateur public, that is to say, an area that is new today due to its easy access can become a knot of traffic jams in a few years, as well as the practicing public, which may initially be those from countries where the sport is practiced, when finally the local can be, of residence often far from the tourist area

3- Identify a supplier of the material

Building a paddle tennis club or several courts is not as simple as one for tennis, badminton or other racket sports. Construction mistakes and material savings can lead to disaster.

4- Expansion leaders

They are those padel practitioners who want to be able to enjoy the sport, and have a defined roadmap, which they are willing to bring together.

5- Technological support

For the dissemination of any sport, the use of new technologies is essential, both social networks, the use of representative figures in the world of sport and the use of applications that facilitate the location of tracks, reservation of tracks.

Author: Pablo Castells is a lawyer, entrepreneur and business expert in emerging countries in Asia. Padel player, promoter and founder of BALI PADEL and INDO PADEL, and channel of the most practiced sport of the moment. Both BALI PADEL and INDO PADEL are working on various investment rounds to expand in Indonesia.

Enquire now for Padel Investment in Indonesia

We’re friendly and available to chat. Reach out to us anytime and we’ll happily answer your questions.

What we do consulting:

Padel business model

We will help business companies & clubs to improve Padel Business.

Padel Management Consultation

We will help other padel clubs to manage their business and help them grow.

Build your own padel courts

Design and construction of padel courts in Bali and around Indonesia.

Organize Tournaments

We organize local, national and international tournaments & leagues.

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